Wife Needs Friends

Wife Needs Friends

Dear Positive Way, My wife recently met a single mother in our neighborhood. She has three children with two of them the same age as two of our 5 children. She has been spending about an hour with her every other day and every Friday they go roller skating. I wouldn’t normally have a problem with this but she doesn’t make any attempts to take me out or spend anytime with me other than our lovemaking when she gets back from skating. Most guys would consider this ideal but I would really like to go out with my wife have a nice dinner and just talk. Don’t get me wrong I really enjoy our lovemaking and I want more of it but I miss the girlfriend side of my wife. We have 5 children so getting a baby sitter is only going to happen maybe twice a year. I told her basically she needs to initiate a date night and make a plan and stop expecting me to do it all the time. She thought that it was funny and that I need to find something to do outside of the family that I enjoy. Well I enjoy my family and I desire not to go out but to spend more quality time with my wife. Am I missing something? Signed, Bruno9, age 39

Dear Bruno9, yes you are missing the point that all women need women friends.  No matter how close they feel to their husbands they still need women friends to just be with and giggle and talk girl talk.  Men can’t compete when it comes to girl talk.  Don’t be threatened by her friendships with other women and don’t try to get in the way of it.  If you don’t want to go out with the guys or do things outside the family then that is your choice but that should not be interpreted that she should not want to go out with the girls.  As a husband the best thing you can do to make your wife feel loved and appreciated is to encourage and allow her girlfriend time.  It is not something to be jealous of and the more you support her along that way the happier she will be.  With your family situation try to go for quality time with your wife instead of quantity time.  You should take the initiative and be the one to make a date night at least once a month.  Quality is what is important – not quantity.


Please understand you have free will.  This advice is given only in the realm of personal growth and self-help. This is not to be considered a substitute for therapy or professional counseling.  We wish you well.

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