What do you think of one way love?

What do you think of one way love?

Dear Positive Way.  I would like to know what the experts think of one way love.  Do you feel it is harmful to the one who is adored or do you think it is more detrimental to the one who is in love??  signedVicki, age 19

Dear Vicki: Thank you for your email.  One way love does not have to be harmful to either party.  You can love others and never be loved in return.   The giving of love is joyful and rewarding even if it is not returned.

Vicki, you and you alone are responsible for your feelings and your happiness and your sadness.  No one can make you feel anything.  Understand you are in control of how you think, feel and act.  Take responsibility for that and do not take responsibility for how others think or feel.  I wish you all the best.


Please understand you have free will.  This advice is given only in the realm of personal growth and self-help. This is not to be considered a substitute for therapy or professional counseling.  We wish you well.

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