Is There Any Hope

Is There Any Hope

Dear Positive Way, I am 30 years old married twice and have 2 kids, one from each marriage. My second husband and I recently separated for the second time and we are going ahead with dissolution. Not in a million dreams I would of think I would be in this situation. I found out that my recent husband had an online dating  profile that he created since we got back together and claims he is divorce and only has 1 child. This especially hurts since my son only looks at him as his only dad. At this point in my life I am not interested in finding someone, I want to enjoy my kids who is 5 and 1. I am scared that I would not be able to meet someone in the future and who would accept my kids and not judge me for having 2 kids with 2 different men without really knowing who I am. I am just scared that my will be alone for the rest of my life. Is there any hope for me? Signed, trinigirl5, age 30

Dear Trinigirl5, yes there is hope for you.   There is no doubt that you will not be alone in the future if you choose to not be.  I suggest you really take at least two years before getting into another serious relationship.  You need time to be alone and you need time to just be with your children and make them a priority.  You have two marriages that offered life lessons to you and it is important that you take a long time to dissect and evaluate these past relationships and learn from them.  Develop yourself and your self-esteem and once you are comfortable with yourself and being alone then you will be ready to move forward and establish a healthy relationship with a man that will love you and that will love your children.  There are wonderful men out there that will accept you and your children with open arms.  The key is to not rush into a relationship and just use this time for personal growth and self awareness.

Please understand you have free will.  This advice is given only in the realm of personal growth and self-help. This is not to be considered a substitute for therapy or professional counseling.  I wish you well and there is hope that you will have a good relationship in time and you will find a man that will accept you and your children no matter what the circumstance.


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