Music, movies, friends and fairy tales teach us how to love but they teach us the wrong thing. Accepting such lessons without question is dangerous to the health of your relationships. Here are five myths that can kill any love relationship. You’ll be wise to avoid them.
Closeness brings intimacy but it also brings a need to change and adapt. Change is difficult. You can tolerate only so much change without being affected. So getting married is a major change. The rules are different now. You can’t even insulate yourself from these problems by living together first. In fact, studies show that living together before marriage is an indicator for a higher chance of divorce.
Even though you can’t avoid problems, you can prevent their damage. What you can do is to create a safe environment at home where you can talk with each other. When you can talk without fear of criticism, anger, or any other lack of support, you can talk about anything. When you can talk as true partners on the same team, you can solve problems. As difficult as this is, once you have accomplished the task, you can use it forever. The book “Talk to Me: How to Create Positive Loving Communication” can help you create that safe environment so your love can prosper.
As you grow through life, you will change. Your partner will change.
Your relationship will change. If you stay open to accepting change, you can grow from it rather than resisting it. It seems as though we pass through phases as individuals on about a five-year cycle. We are constantly alive. Learning who you are and who your partner is can be a wonderful experience. Just remember that it doesn’t stop when you think you have learned everything from the past. You have the present and the future to look forward to.
Some of the key skills for marriages include: handling money issues, communication, creating ground rules to keep the home safe from damaging conflict, handling conflict, solving problems, handling anger, building self-esteem, understanding and supporting your partner, decision making, compromise, and keeping romance alive.
Just being aware that there is so much to learn is powerful. Taking action will allow you to reap the fruit. This website, and books, and the links are designed to help you learn. Good luck.
Learning how to practice the art of loving will help you keep your love alive.
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