If you or anyone you love or care about is having problems with alcohol or drugs of any kind there is a great resource right in your area that can turn things around for the better. It is Alcoholics Anonymous. Many people have benefited greatly through the support and non-judgmental atmosphere in the meetings that are provided 365 days a year. There is always a meeting available any time of day and any day of the year that is providing support and encouragement to all that attend.
It is never too late to seek help and turn things around for the better. Don’t let another painful day go by – get the love and support from those that truly understand – those that have walked in your shoes and experienced the painful consequences of what abuse of alcohol and drugs can create.
The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous
The relative success of the A.A. program seems to be due to the fact that an alcoholic who no longer drinks has an exceptional faculty for “reaching” and helping an uncontrolled drinker.In simplest form, the A.A. program operates when a recovered alcoholic passes along the story of his or her own problem drinking, describes the sobriety he or she has found in A.A., and invites the newcomer to join the informal Fellowship.
The heart of the suggested program of personal recovery is contained in Twelve Steps describing the experience of the earliest members of the Society:
Newcomers are not asked to accept or follow these Twelve Steps in their entirety if they feel unwilling or unable to do so.
They will usually be asked to keep an open mind, to attend meetings at which recovered alcoholics describe their personal experiences in achieving sobriety, and to read A.A. literature describing and interpreting the A.A. program.
A.A. members will usually emphasize to newcomers that only problem drinkers themselves, individually, can determine whether or not they are in fact alcoholics.
At the same time, it will be pointed out that all available medical testimony indicates that alcoholism is a progressive illness, that it cannot be cured in the ordinary sense of the term, but that it can be arrested through total abstinence from alcohol in any form.
Recommended Reading: The Heart of Addiction: A New Approach to Understanding and Managing Alcoholism and Other Addictive Behaviors by Lance Dodes.
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